Martes, Marso 20, 2012

Beginners of DOTA

First, if you really don't know how to play. Just type -test at the starting time of the game. Or you can type -wtf to have fun. then try to get use to heroes you can pick at the taverns. . Just know the skills, know what you have to build and other needs of your hero. Know how to farm, or killing the side creeps, the one with green dots on your mini-map. If you are strong enough, you can kill roshan, the red dot on your mini-map. get the aegis of immortal, when you are killed you will have another life. haha lolz, =). .

1 komento:

  1. cloud13 meet the StoRm_07
    your post are good but you must put the mechanics and on how to play this game
